Friday, October 17, 2008

Hi there!! It's been awhile since I last talked to you!! Sounds like you two are busy. It's hard to believe that you guys have only 2 years left in Germany. I guess you'll be thinking about where you want to go next very soon. Things here are really busy!! Anthony was promoted at work and seems to be enjoying his job at Citibank. And of course the hospital is busy especially this time of year with colds, flu and sinus infections. Christian is getting SO big. I can't believe his is 10 months old. Before you know it he will be a year old!! He is "cruising" around the house and crawling everywhere!! He has 4 teeth now and is jabbering words and new sounds all the time. He know who "da da" and "ma ma" are. It is so cute. We took him to the pumpkin patch this past weekend and he was mesmerized by all of the pumpkins.....I think it's the color orange!! Plus his hair is getting long so he's getting his first haircut next week. I'll send you some more pictures when I can.

1 comment:

Jason and Kimberly McClish said...

So we are so glad to hear that Christian is talking! While I was in Wiesbaden, I bought Christian a little Christmas gift. Let me know if there is anything special you would like for him.

Take care and keep in touch.